Table of Contents
What is JARVEE?
Jarvee is one of the last standing automation tools, or bots if you will, out there that works for you to hack the organic growth of your social account, generate business leads and scrape for data on your behalf. The tool’s official website states that Jarvee is “On a quest to create the best automation tool and bring back control over the continually developing social media landscape“ and here at Doctor Jarvee, we believe them!
Who is Dr. Jarvee?

Not by a mistake you have found yourself here at Doctor Jarvee, aka Adi Ankonina, who has been working with Jarvee for almost 4 years now, and can honestly say that it feels much longer because of her 100% focus on mastering Jarvee. So you may have tried to master the tool yourself and perhaps even got burned with a block, and now instead of just giving up on potentially massive growth, you have decided to give it another try, the right way this time.
Together with a digitally enlightened team of professionals, Adi strives to solve your problems by offering Jarvee setup, daily optimization, and customer care services package, with monthly plans.
Understanding the actual power of Jarvee
The official title of Jarvee “automation tool”, just isn’t enough to visualize all the ways it helps businesses grow. Remember the last time you looked at your favorite brand’s account and wondered just how they manage to get to so many people on social media to check out their content? it’s a combination of high-quality content, budget, and an open mind for innovative ways to engage and connect with their audience and fans. Eventually, it’s a money machine that’s built to bring the attention of a specially targeted audience that already LOVES what you do. Sliding down the sales pipe, with Jarvee you can greet your newbie followers with a custom-tailored call-to-action Direct Message to generate leads and finally, scrape Instagram for business precious data amid the advanced anti-bot technology that Instagram uses to block your requests. Did you get a red flag sense here? That brings us to our next topic:
How come is Jarvee still alive?
To quote Adi’s personal opinion, it’s because Jarvee is beneficial for the social media business as it increases the daily usage of each customer, driving more traffic, and pleases the analytics. Think about it; they can close Jarvee in a second, as they did to its parent software, but they don’t, as so far it’s a win-win situation. We would like to hope that it will stay this way forever, but of course, it’s not a given. Social Media automation is a risky business and can be terminated at any moment.
What are the most important things to know before using Jarvee?
- First and foremost, Jarvee is a high-maintenance tool, meaning that it requires daily optimization because of ever-changing Instagram algorithms and safety protocols. Updating your safety settings and monitoring changes to the terms of usage is key to prevent unwanted blocks and banes and requires time and patience. Regulations aside, in order to keep up with the trends and target the correct audience, you must engage with them, show them respect, and offer them great value with high-quality content. Having a solid maintenance schedule together with a bullet-proof system is recommended, but still cannot replace DAILY attendance.
- Automation is a risky niche. The fruits of the labor are worth it, but one needs to know that everything can disappear in the moment that the mother company of Instagram- Meta(Facebook) decides that they truly had enough of yours. As mentioned before, we do hope that this business is a beneficial situation to both parties, but unfortunately we have no control over it.
- Be flexible, as you might have realized by now, if you are using Jarvee you have to keep track of all the updates possible in order to stay afloat. Automation keeps changing all the time, social media changes and we have to stay up to speed.
But the most important thing you have to know before using Jarvee and we can’t stress this enough, invest in your content creation! Whether it’s you, a team member or an agency, make it happen! By it, we of course mean creating consistent, interesting and visually pleasing content. ‘You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink’ or in our case, we can give someone an opportunity to discover your business, but we can’t force them to follow if they don’t like what they see.
What do you need to run an account on Jarvee?
Let’s dig in and list all the things you need to start automating with Jarvee!
- VPS/Windows computer – Jarvee will work only with a Windows system and it needs to keep working 24/7 or you can use a VPS, a virtual private server is a virtual machine sold as a service by an Internet hosting service.
2. Jarvee license! Choose the right package for you and even try it for free for the first five days! Remember that for every Instagram Business account that you want to automate, you’ll need five additional accounts that will be used as scrapers.
3. 4G Proxies – First things first, if you are running Jarvee from your own computer you don’t need proxies as it’s using your own residential IP, however it’s not reliable and recommended against. 4g is a proxy that uses mobile IP addresses or that redirects web traffic from cellular network-connected mobile devices, as most real users are logged in via their phone. Use our code drjarvee15 to get discounted proxies from
Scraper accounts – 4-5 of them to be exact. These accounts are the “helpers” as they take the risks away from the main account in finding data on IG via its app. If you want to be extra safe, create one of the scrapers with a verified phone number of a device that you are NOT using IG on.
You can purchase scrapers from here:
Setting up the main account
- Add a proxy – prior to adding even one account to Jarvee, you must add the previously mentioned proxies in the Proxy manager tab along with the details you’ve been provided with, and make sure that it shows as “valid”
- Now head right to the Social Profiles tab, and click on “add profile”, there you have to connect your main using your real username and password of the IG account that you want to grow. Notice that if you are growing a few accounts at the same time, we would recommend adding tags for maximum organization.
- Scroll down and click on “Show advanced profile settings” where basically the only other two boxes you have to check are the “USE ONLY THE EMBEDDED BROWSER” and “Sync the number of followers before midnight”.
- Head to the “BROWSE EMBEDDED” and check the “enable manual browsing”
- When the Instagram login appears. Click on the “FILL LOGIN” button.
- Close that window and scroll all the way down to the “INFO” section, and click on “MARK AS VALID”
Best Jarvee Scrapers Settings April 2022
Create an excel sheet to document your scrapers, you can use our template as well!
- Tags = “scraper”
- Leave the date of birth, description and unique name blank, Jarvee will fill it in for you.
- Fill in your proxies info for each scraper account.
- Fill in emails and passwords of the scraper accounts.
- POP settings vary between email providers, make sure to check the right ones for you!
- Once you’re done filling it in, download the file in CSV format.

Head back to Jarvee and click on the “Social Profiles” tab to add our scrapers. Under the “Instagram Scrapers” option, click on “add accounts” and upload the CSV file.
The final step after your sheet has been uploaded successfully, is to fix the scrapers settings:
- Click on “Show advanced setting”
- Click on “Delay all tools when API errors exceed a given value” and use the following settings:
When api errors exceed: between 40-80 min, 1 errors per hour and 5 errors per day.
- Next, click on “Delay all tools when API calls exceed a given value” and use the following settings:
When api calls exceed: between 60-90 min, 50 api calls per hour and 200 api calls per day.
- Scroll all the way down to “Synchronization” and check the “Disable Auto Sync”
Now you can copy the settings to all of your scrapers by clicking on the “copy settings” button at the bottom of the page in the Info section, and checking the boxes for all of your scraper accounts.
Best Jarvee Settings April 2022
Head to the Tools section where you can manage your Follow/Unfollow settings. Start with these settings for the first week, and as your account grows increase it gradually:

In the “Run Timers” section, choose how long Jarvee will wait between each operation, how many users it will follow each time, and for how many hours a day Jarvee will execute its actions.
Our recommended settings for starting out:
- Wait between 25 and 50 minutes
- Follow between 5 to 20 users at a time
- Delay of 100 to 180 seconds between each follow
- Execute for 24/7
- Randomize by a margin of 22 minutes
Adding random sleep time is optional but recommended as it’s the closest you can get to human-like behavior on Instagram. Just copy and change a bit the setting above.
Choosing the days of the week when Jarvee operates is totally up to you and your marketing plan, as again this setting exists for the sole purpose of mimicking human behavior.
- Keep Jarvee running all week long to get the most out of your budget.
- Follow limits to low settings of 15-20 users per day
- Increase it daily with 15-30 users per day until you reach 160 follows per day.
Our recommended settings:
- Follow 0-6 accounts
- Delay of 2-10 seconds
- Favour sources with high follow back ratio, ours is 5.

User filters – note that although setting filters for Jarvee to follow when it does it’s thigst has its benefits, however it can “burn” the scraper as it has to process more information and likely to be recognized by Instagram as a bot.
Our recommended settings:
- Users with a profile image
- Users that aren’t following you already
- If your audience isn’t from one specific gender, follow ALL genders (do not choose the “both” option as it brings in API calls and is harmful to the scrapers.) If your main audience are ONLY women for example, choose females. Check out our gender-name list of few languages.

After follow actions – another options for being extra cautious.
Our recommended settings:
- Suspend when temporarily blocked between 15-30 minutes
- Enable Suspend On Second Block Between 370-720 Minutes.
- Skip wait time when no more results
- Like users latest post action, wait between 30-70 seconds
- Like between 0-1 posts at a time.
- View stories after follow
- View Stories Percentage between 80-100.
- Remove poor quality sources that have a low follow back ratio

Follow Sources – here is where the real targeting happens. There are two main options to filter who you follow, the hashtag method, which from our experience isn’t accurate enough and the Follow followers of targeted accounts method, which we recommend and use.
- Follow back ratio is what we are after, the higher it is, the more followers you will get.
- Put in sources that are EXTREMELY relevant to your niche.
Now how do we choose these relevant sources?
- Search for a business that contains your main keyword
- Check if their followers are real and engaged with instagram engagement calculator
- Search by hashtags and check the top 9 accounts for that hashtag
- Do a Google search for leading IG accounts in your niche
- If you already have an established audience, follow your followers fans
With filters, follow the “less is more” rule, as the more filters you put in, the more likely it will “burn” the scraper to be recognized by Instagram as a bot.
⭐ Pro Tip: Go to google search and write the key words you want to have on your BIO/posts of your followers source like
“X” + “X” + “X” -inurl:/p/ -inurl:explore
So instead of the X you can write for example:
“instagram” + “marketing” + “la” -inurl:/p/ -inurl:explore
Check out what you found over there 🙂

Best Jarvee Unfollow Settings April 2022
Our recommended settings:
- Unfollow after a minimum 1-2 days
- Wait between 10-25 minutes before each new operation
- Unfollow between 5-10 people per run
- Delay between 60-120 seconds
- Execute 24/7
- Add random sleep time wait between 5-20 min after executing between 5-15 operations

Unfollow limits
- Unfollow between 15-30 users per day
- Increase daily with 15-30 until it reaches 160 unfollows per day
- Enable contextual actions with 0-5 unfollows
- Delay between 0-8 seconds
Other options
- Suspend when temporary blocked between 15-30 minutes
- Enable suspend on second block between 360-720 minutes
- Skip wait time when no more results
In order to see all the users that you’ve unfollowed, head to Profile tab and click the Ignore tab.

- Personal note from Adi 🙂 First – congrates for reading it all and setting up your Jarvee account, I know it’s not easy at all and you made it! 🎉 As for what’s going to be from now on – please do not expect it will all work perfect and you will be at the beach while jarvee is working. yes it is automation but you must remember that IG will keep fighting it and that’s the game, like a “cat and a mouse”. it doesn’t mean you will need to work all day long on your computer but it is a long journey and from only reading one guide – you can’t be the best. so, if you want more, check out the next paragraph, that is for you my friend 🙂
So if you got this far and realized it's too much to manage don’t panic, Doctor Jarvee is here to help you grow your business!
- Check out our FB Community for FREE Jarvee support
- Check out our EXPERT services for business with high-quality content, that can be great for one that wants to professionally automate and grow your account.
- Check out our VIP club with a monthly subscription for self-learning and endless support!